

  • 11
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:中外合资经营企业
  • 公司地址: 上海市松江区石湖荡镇长塔路945弄37号楼
  • 姓名: 宁经理
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


    polyscience代理 9)☆斯信生物

  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 生物仪器 冷冻干燥机
  • 发布日期:2015-02-05
  • 阅读量:997
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:不限
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海松江石湖荡  
  • 关键词:代理品牌,一级代理,中国代理

    polyscience代理 9)☆斯信生物详细内容



      polyscience(American Laboratory Products Company)成立于1990年,polyscience公司总部位于美国,公司从成立初期就致力于为生物医药领域提供高质量的*检测产品。经过20年的发展,美国polyscience公司已经从初期的进出口贸易商和代理分销商转变为专业的*学检测产品研发、生产和销售为一体的高科技生物公司。特别是在Diabetes and Obesity糖尿病和肥胖研究领域,美国polyscience公司提供human insulin ELISA Kit、mouse insulin ELISA Kit、rat insulin ELISA Kit、GLP-1(Active 7-36)ELISA Kit、GLP-1(7-36 and 9-36)ELISA Kit、Glucagon (Human, Mouse, Rat) ELISA Kit、C-peptide ELISA Kit等*检测试剂盒产品。

      目前,美国polyscience公司供应品种齐全的polyscience Diagnostics和polyscience ELISA Kit产品,*检测试剂和ELISA试剂盒产品广泛应用于学术研究、生物技术公司和临床诊断等领域。polyscience Diagnostics和polyscience ELISA产品线有:Immunoassays*测定试剂、Neuroscience神经生物学、Bone Metabolism 骨代谢、Cardiovascular Disease and Oxidative Stress 心血管疾病和氧化应激、Cytokines and Cell Signaling 细胞因子与细胞信号、Diabetes and Obesity 糖尿病和肥胖、Endocrinology 内分泌学、Thyroid Function 甲状腺功能、Gastroenterology 肠胃病学、Immunology *学、Reproductive Hormones 生殖激素、Antibodies and Antigens 抗体和抗原、Molecular Diagnostics 分子诊断学等研究领域。




      Insulin (Mouse) Ultrasensitive ELISA Kit(For Research Use Only)


      Format: ELISA / EIA

      Sample Type:serum, plasma

      Sample Size: 5 μl or 25 μl

      Size: 96 wells

      Range: 0.025 - 6.9 ng/ml

      Sensitivity:0.115 ng/ml (5 μl), 0.019 ng/ml (25 μl)

      Incubation Time: 2 Hour 30 Min

      Insulin (Mouse) Ultrasensitive ELISA Kit 小鼠胰岛素**灵敏ELISA检测试剂盒是采用双抗夹心法对胰岛素进行定量检测,灵敏度可以到达0.019ng/mL。更多详细介绍,欢迎来电索取Insulin (Mouse) Ultrasensitive ELISA Kit产品说明书。现货供应,欢迎来电咨询价格与购买。

      Glucagon (Human, Mouse, Rat) ELISA Kit (For Research Use Only)


      Format: ELISA / EIA

      Sample Type: plasma

      Sample Size: 50 μl

      Size: 96 wells

      Range:50 - 10000 pg/ml

      Sensitivity:50 pg/ml

      Incubation Time: Overnight

      Glucagon (Human, Mouse, Rat) ELISA Kit 胰高血糖素ELISA试剂盒可用于人、小鼠、大鼠的Glucagon蛋白因子的定量检测,该胰高血糖素的检测抗体是1981年Nishino, Shima and Yanaihara等生物学者通过合成Glucagon的C-端多肽片段制备而成,使用这些科学家制备的抗体包被生产的ELISA试剂盒具有**级的灵敏度和较强的特异性。灵敏度可以到达50pg/mL。更多详细介绍,欢迎来电索取Glucagon (Human, Mouse, Rat) ELISA Kit产品说明书。现货供应,欢迎来电咨询价格与购买。

      Insulin ELISA Kit(For Research Use Only)


      Format: ELISA / EIA

      Sample Type:serum, plasma

      Sample Size: 25 μl

      Size:96 wells

      Range:3 - 200 μIU/ml

      Sensitivity:0.399 μIU/ml

      Incubation Time: 2 Hour

      Insulin ELISA Kit 人胰岛素ELISA检测试剂盒是采用双抗夹心法对胰岛素进行定量检测,灵敏度为0.399 μIU/ml。更多详细介绍,欢迎来电索取Insulin ELISA Kit产品说明书。现货供应,欢迎来电咨询价格与购买。



      polyscience 43-GP1HU-E01 GLP-1 (Active 7-36) ELISA, 96 wells "RUO"

      polyscience 43-GPTHU-E01 GLP-1 (7-36 and 9-36) ELISA, 96 wells

      polyscience 47-ADPHU-E01 Adiponectin (Total/Multimeric) EIA, "RUO"

      polyscience 47-ADPHUT-E01 Adiponectin (Total) EIA, "RUO"

      polyscience 47-ADPMS-E01 Adiponectin (Mouse HMW & Total) ELISA, "RUO"

      polyscience 80-CPTHU-E01.1 C-Peptide ELISA (96 Wells), "IVD"

      polyscience 80-CPTMS-E01 C-Peptide (Mouse) ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 80-CPTRT-E01 C-Peptide (Rat) ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 80-INSBO-E01 Bovine Insulin ELISA "RUO"

      polyscience 80-INSHU-E01.1 Insulin EIA (96 Wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 80-INSHU-E10.1 Insulin Jumbo EIA (10x96w), "RUO"

      polyscience 80-INSHUU-E01.1 Insulin Ultrasensitive EIA (96 Wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 80-INSRT-E01 Insulin (Rat), 96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 80-INSRT-E10 Insulin (Rat), 10x96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 80-INSRTH-E01 Insulin (Rat) High Range EIA, 96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 80-INSRTH-E10 Insulin (Rat) High Range EIA, 10x96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 80-INSRTU-E01 Insulin (Rat) Ultrasensitive, 96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 80-INSRTU-E10 Insulin (Rat) Ultrasensitive, 10x96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 80-PINHU-E01.1 Pro Insulin EIA (96 Wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 80-PINMS-E01 Proinsulin (Mouse) ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 80-PINRT-E01 Proinsulin (Rat) ELISA, 96wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 80-SINHU-E01 Insulin Synthetic EIA, 96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 11-ALDHU-E01 Aldosterone EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 11-ALDHU-E01-**S Aldosterone EIA (Plasma) (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 11-ALDHU-L01 Aldosterone LIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 11-ANDHU-E01 5a-Androstane-3a, 17b-diol Glucuronide EIA "RUO"

      polyscience 11-ANDHU-L01 5a-Androstane-3a, 17b-diol Glucuronide (3adiolG) "RUO"

      polyscience 11-ANRHU-E01 Androstenedione EIA* (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 11-CORHU-E01 Cortisol EIA "RUO"

      polyscience 11-CORHU-E01-SLV Direct Salivary Cortisol EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 11-DHEHU-E01 DHEA-S EIA "RUO"

      polyscience 11-DHTHU-E01 Dihydrotestosterone Direct EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 11-ESRHU-E01 Estrone EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 11-ESRHU-L01 Estrone (serum) LIA "RUO"

      polyscience 11-ESTHU-E01 Estradiol EIA "RUO"

      polyscience 11-FSHHU-E01 Follicle Stimulating Hormone EIA, "RUO" 96 wells

      polyscience 11-FT4HU-L01 Free Thyroxine (fT4) "RUO"

      polyscience 11-FTSHU-E01 Free Testosterone EIA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 11-FTSHU-L01 Free Testosterone LIA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 11-IGFHU-E01 IGFBP-1, EIA, "RUO"

      polyscience 11-LEPHU-E01 Leptin ELISA "RUO"

      polyscience 11-LUTHU-E01 Luteinizing Hormone EIA, "RUO" 96 wells

      polyscience 11-PREHU-E01 Pregnenolone EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 11-PROHU-E01 Progesterone EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 11-PROHU-E01-SLV Direct Salivary Progesterone EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 11-PROHU-L01 Progesterone (serum) "RUO"

      polyscience 11-PSAHU-L01 PSA (Total) LIA, 96w "RUO"

      polyscience 11-RENHU-L01 Renin Activity LIA, 96 Wells "RUO"

      polyscience 11-SHBHU-E01 Sex Hormon Bind Glob (New) EIA, "RUO"

      polyscience 11-TESHU-E01 Testosterone (Serum) EIA, "RUO"

      polyscience 11-TESHU-E01-**S Total Testosterone Assay (Plasma) "RUO"

      polyscience 11-TESHU-E01-SLV Testosterone Direct Salivary EIA "RUO"

      polyscience 11-TESHU-L01 Testosterone Saliva LIA, "RUO"

      polyscience 11-TPOHU-E01 Anti-TPO (Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody) ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 11-TSHHU-L01 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone LIA "RUO"

      polyscience 17-5HIHU-E01 5-HIAA EIA, (96 wells) "RUO"

      polyscience 17-BCTHU-E02.1 Bi-Cat EIA (2x96 wells) EIA "RUO"

      polyscience 17-BCTHU-E02-RES Bi-Cat EIA Research (2x96 wells) EIA "RUO"

      polyscience 17-DOPHU-E01.1 Dopamine EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 17-DOPHU-E01-RES Dopamine (Research) EIA (96 wells), (Urine and/or Plasma), "RUO"

      polyscience 17-EPIHU-E01.1 Epinephrine EIA 96 wells "RUO"

      polyscience 17-EPIHU-E01-RES Epinephrine (Research) EIA 96 wells "RUO"

      polyscience 17-GABHU-E01 GABA ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 17-GLUHU-E01 Glutamate ELISA, 96 wells, RUO

      polyscience 17-HISHU-E01 Histamine EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 17-HISHU-E01-FOOD Histamine (in Food) EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 17-HISHU-E01-STL Histamine Stool ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 17-HISRT-E01-RES Histamine Research EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 17-METHU-E01-FST Metanephrine (Plasma) EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 17-NORHU-E01.1 Norepinephrine EIA (96 wells), RUO

      polyscience 17-NORHU-E01-RES Norepinephrine (Research) EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 17-SERHU-E01-FST Serotonin ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 17-SERHU-E01-RES Serotonin (Research) EIA (96 wells) "RUO"

      polyscience 17-TCTHU-E03.1 Tri-Cat EIA, 3 x 96 wells "RUO"

      polyscience 17-TCTHU-E03-RES Tri-Cat (Research) EIA "RUO"

      polyscience 17-TRPHU-E01 Tryptophan ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 20-17OHU-E01 17-OH-Progesterone EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 20-17OHU-E01-SLV Direct Salivary 17-OH Progesterone EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 20-242HU-E01 CA 242 ELISA, 96wells "RUO"

      polyscience 20-ASAHU-E01 Anti-Sperm AB EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 20-C5AHU-E01 C5a EIA (2 Plate), "RUO"

      polyscience 20-CGGHU-E01 Chlamydia (IgG) AB EIA, "RUO"

      polyscience 20-CORHU-E01-SLV Direct Salivary Cortisol EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 20-PCOHU-E01 ** Complex EIA, "RUO" 2 plates

      polyscience 20-PMSHU-E01 PMSG EIA "RUO"

      polyscience 20-RSVHU-E01 Respiratory Syncytial Viruse (RSV) IgG ELISA, 96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 20-TGF1HU-E01 TGF-Beta-1 EIA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 20-TGF2HU-E01 TGF Beta-2 EIA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 21-ACTHU-E01 ACTH EIA "RUO"

      polyscience 21-CALHU-E01 Calcitonin EIA , (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 21-EPOHU-E01 EPO (Erythropoietin) EIA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 21-GADHU-E01 GAD (Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase) ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 21-IAAHU-E01 Insulin Auto-Ab (IAA) EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 21-ICAHU-E01 Islet Cell Ab (ICA) EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 21-IPTHU-E01 Intact PTH EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 21-TPOHU-E01 Anti-TPO EIA, 96 wells "RUO"

      polyscience 22-ADPRT-E01 Adiponectin (Rat) ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 22-HGHHUU-E01 Growth Hormone Ultrasensitive, 96wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 22-IG1MS-E01 IGF-1 (mouse, rat) ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 22-IGF-E05 IGFBP-2 ELISA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 22-IGF-E30 IGF-2 ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 22-IGFHU-E01 IGF-I ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 22-LEPMS-E01 Mouse/Rat Leptin EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 22-MIGF-E08 Mouse IGFBP-2 ELISA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 24-MABHU-E01 Microalbumin EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 24-MYOHU-E01 Myoglobin EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 25-125HU-E01 CA 125 EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 25-153HU-E01 CA 15-3 EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 25-199HU-E01 CA 19-9 EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 25-AFPHU-E01 Alph-fetoprotein (AFP) EIA, 96 wells "RUO"

      polyscience 25-BMGHU-E01 Beta-2 Microglobulin EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 25-CEAHU-E01 CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 25-FBEHU-E01 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Free Beta) EIA "RUO"

      polyscience 25-FERHU-E01 Human Ferritin EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 25-FT3HU-E01 fT3 (Free-Triiodothyronine) EIA Kit, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 25-FT4HU-E01 fT4 (FreeThyroxine) EIA Kit, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 25-HCGHU-E01 Human Chroionic Gonad. EIA*, "RUO"

      polyscience 35-8SAHU-E01 Anti-Phospholipid 8-S IgA EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-AFCHU-E01 Alpha Fordin Check (IgG IgA) EIA, "RUO" 96w

      polyscience 35-AFGHU-E01 Anti-alpha-Fodrin IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-AFOHU-E01 Alpha-Fodrin-A 96wells "RUO"

      polyscience 35-AGMHU-E01 Rf-AGM Profile EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-AN8HU-E01 ANA 8 Screen IgG EIA, 96 Wells "RUO"

      polyscience 35-ANAHU-E01 ANA 8 Profile IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-ASAHU-E01 ASCA IgA EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-ASGHU-E01 ASCA IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-B2GHU-E01 B2-Glycoprotein IgA EIA, "RUO"

      polyscience 35-B2SHU-E01 B2-Glycoprotein Screen EIA, "RUO"

      polyscience 35-CAAHU-E01 Cardiolipin IgA EIA, "RUO"

      polyscience 35-CAGHU-E01 Cardiolipin IgG & IgM EIA

      polyscience 35-CASHU-E01 Cardiolipin Screen Ab EIA

      polyscience 35-CATHU-E01 Anti-Cathepsin G IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-CELHU-E01 CeliCheck EIA (neo-epitopes), (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-CENHU-E01 Anti-CENP-B IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-CROHU-E01 Crohn's Check (anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae, IgA & IgG "RUO"

      polyscience 35-DSAHU-E01 Anti-ds-DNA IgA EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-DSGHU-E01 Anti-ds-DNA IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-*HU-E01 Anti-ds-DNA IgM EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-DSSHU-E01 Anti-ds-DNA Screen EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-E6PHU-E01 ENA 6Profile (96 wells) EIA, "RUO"

      polyscience 35-E6SHU-E01 ENA Screen (96 wells) IgG EIA, "RUO"

      polyscience 35-ELAHU-E01 Anti-Elastase IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-GBMHU-E01 Anti-GBM IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-GGMHU-E01 B2-Glycoprotein IgG & IgM EIA, "RUO"

      polyscience 35-GLAHU-E01 Gliadin IgA EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-GLGHU-E01 Gliadin IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-H2AHU-E01 Anti-Histone H2A IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-HH1HU-E01 Anti-Histone H1 IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-HH3HU-E01 Anti-Histone H3 IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-HH4HU-E01 Anti-Histone H4 IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-HSCHU-E01 Anti-Histone C IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-INAHU-E01 Insulin Autoantibody EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-INOHU-E01 Inositol-Ab IgG/IgM EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-JO1HU-E01 Anti-Jo1 IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-LC1HU-E01 Anti-LC1 Liver Cytosol(lgG) EIA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      polyscience 35-LKMHU-E01 Anti-LKM-1 EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-M2GHU-E01 Anti-M2 IgG EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-MPOHU-E01 Anti-MPO IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-NUCHU-E01 Nucleao-h IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-P8PHU-E01 Phospholipid-8 Pro-GM, "RUO"

      polyscience 35-PLSHU-E01 Anti-Phospholipid-Screen "RUO"

      polyscience 35-PR3HU-E01 Proteinase 3 (PR3) IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-PTAHU-E01 Anti-Prothrombin IgA EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-PTMHU-E01 Anti-Prothrombin IgM EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-RFSHU-E01 Rf Screen EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-RIBHU-E01 Anti-Rib-P IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-S52HU-E01 Anti-SS-A-52 IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-S60HU-E01 Anti-SS-A-60 IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-SCIHU-E01 Anti-Scl-70 IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-SCLHU-E01 Sclero-Profile IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-SDAHU-E01 Anti-ss-DNA IgA EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-SDGHU-E01 Anti-ss-DNA IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-SDMHU-E01 Anti-ss-DNA IgM EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-SERHU-E01 Serine-Ab IgG/IgM EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-SLAHU-E01 Anti-Soluble Liver Antigen (SLA) - IgG EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-SMIHU-E01 Anti-Sm IgG EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-SNRHU-E01 Anti-snRNP-C IgG EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-SSAHU-E01 Anti-SS-A IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-SSBHU-E01 Anti-SS-B IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-SSSHU-E01 Anti-ss-DNA Screen EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-TBAHU-E01 Thrombin IgA EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-TBGHU-E01 Thrombin IgG EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-TGAHU-E01 Anti-tTg IgA EIA(neo-epitopes), (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-TGGHU-E01 Anti-tTg IgG EIA(neo-epitopes), (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 35-U17HU-E01 Anti-U1-70 IgG EIA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 38-BP3HU-E01.1 IGFBP-3 EIA "RUO"

      polyscience 38-HAVHU-E01 Anti HAV ELISA, 96 wells "RUO"

      polyscience 38-OSTHU-E01 Osteocalcin EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 41-A1ACA-E01 Alpha 1-Antitrypsin (Canine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-A1AMS-E01 Alpha 1-antitrypsin (Mouse) ELISA, 96w, RUO

      polyscience 41-A1CHU-E01 Alpha 1-Antichymotrypsin ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-A2MRB-E01 Alpha 2 Macroglobulin (Rabbit) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-A2MRT-E01 Rat Alpha 2-Macroglobulin ELISA, 96 wells "RUO"

      polyscience 41-AGPCA-E01 Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein (Canine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-AGPCH-E01 Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein (Chicken) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-AGPHU-E01 Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-AGPRT-E01 alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein (Rat) EIA "RUO"

      polyscience 41-ALBCA-E01 Albumin (Canine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-ALBMS-E01 Mouse Albumin EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 41-ALBRT-E01 Rat Albumin EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 41-APOHU-E01 Apolipoprotein A-1 ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-AT3RT-E01 Antithrombin III (Rat) ELISA, 96w, RUO

      polyscience 41-CASBO-E01 Casein (Bovine, in Food) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-CERRT-E01 Ceruloplasmin (Rat) ELISA, 96w, RUO

      polyscience 41-CO3CA-E01 Complement Factor 3 (Canine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-CO3GP-E01 Complement Factor 3 (Guinea Pig) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-CO3MS-E01 Complement Factor 3 (Mouse) ELISA, 96w, RUO

      polyscience 41-CO3RT-E01 Complement Factor 3 (Rat) ELISA, 96w, RUO

      polyscience 41-CRPCA-E01 Canine C-Reactive Protein EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 41-CRPEQ-E01 C-reactive Protein (Equine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-CRPFE-E01 C-reactive Protein (Feline) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-CRPMS-E01 Mouse C-Reactive Protein EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 41-CRPPO-E01 Porcine C-Reative Protein EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 41-CRPRB-E01 Rabbit C-Reactive Protein EIA, (96 wells),"RUO"

      polyscience 41-CRPRT-E01 Rat C-Reactive Protein EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 41-FERMS-E01 Ferritin (Mouse) ELISA "RUO"

      polyscience 41-FERRT-E01 Ferritin (Rat) ELISA "RUO"

      polyscience 41-FIBCA-E01 Fibrinogen (Canine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-FIBHU-E01 Fribrinogen (Human) ELISA "RUO"

      polyscience 41-FIBMS-E01 Fribrinogen (Mouse) ELISA "RUO"

      polyscience 41-FIBPO-E01 Fibrinogen (Porcine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-FIBRT-E01 Fribrinogen (Rat) ELISA "RUO"

      polyscience 41-FNEMS-E01 Fibronectin (Mouse) ELISA, 96w "RUO"

      polyscience 41-FNERT-E01 Fibronectin (Rat) ELISA, 96w "RUO"

      polyscience 41-HAPBO-E01 Bovine Haptoglobin EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 41-HAPCA-E01 Canine Haptoglobin EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 41-HAPEQ-E01 Haptoglobin (Equine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-HAPFE-E01 Haptoglobin (Feline) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-HAPHU-E01 Haptoglobin (Human) ELISA (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 41-HAPMS-E01 Mouse Haptoglobin EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 41-HAPPO-E01 Porcine Haptoglobin EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 41-HAPRB-E01 Haptoglobin (Rabbit) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-HAPRT-E01 Rat Haptoglobin EIA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      polyscience 41-HEMEQ-E01 Hemoglobin (Equine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-HEMMS-E01 Hemoglobin (Mouse) ELISA, 96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 41-HEMRT-E01 Hemoglobin (Rat) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-HMPHU-E01 Hemopexin (Human) ELISA "RUO"

      polyscience 41-HMPMS-E01 Hemopexin (Mouse) ELISA "RUO"

      polyscience 41-HMPRT-E01 Hemopexin (Rat) ELISA "RUO"

      polyscience 41-I2AMS-E01 IgG2A (Mouse) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-I2BMS-E01 IgG2B (Mouse) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IG1MS-E01 IgG1 (Mouse) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IG3MS-E01 IgG3 (Mouse) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGAMS-E01 IgA (Mouse) ELISA, 96w, RUO

      polyscience 41-IGART-E01 IgA (Rat) ELISA, 96w, RUO

      polyscience 41-IGDHU-E01 IgD ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGECA-E01 IgE (Canine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGEEQ-E01 IgE (Equine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGEFE-E01 IgE (Feline) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGEMS-E01 IgE (Mouse) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGERT-E01 IgE (Rat) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGGCA-E01 IgG (Canine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGGMS-E01 IgG (Mouse) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGGRT-E01 IgG (Rat) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGMCA-E01 IgM (Canine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGMCH-E01 IgM (Chicken) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGMHU-E01 IgM ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGMMS-E01 IgM (Mouse) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGMRT-E01 IgM (Rat) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-IGYCH-E01 IgY (Chicken) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-KAPHU-E01 Kappa ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-LACHU-E01 Lactoferrin ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-LAMHU-E01 Lambda ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-MYOMS-E01 Myoglobin (Mouse) ELISA, 96w, RUO

      polyscience 41-MYORT-E01 Myoglobin (Rat) ELISA, 96w, RUO

      polyscience 41-OVOCH-E01 Ovotransferrin (Chicken) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-PALMS-E01 Prealbumin (Mouse) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-PALRT-E01 Prealbumin (Rat) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-**CA-E01 Plasminogen (Canine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-**HU-E01 Plasminogen (Human) ELISA, 96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 41-**MS-E01 Plasminogen (mouse) ELISA, 96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 41-**PO-E01 Plasminogen (Porcine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-**RB-E01 Plasminogen (Rabbit) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-**RT-E01 Plasminogen (Rat) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-SAAMS-E01 Serum Amyloid A (Mouse) ELISA, 96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 41-SAPMS-E01 Serum Amyloid Protein (Mouse) ELISA, 96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 41-SAPRT-E01 Serum Amyloid Protein (Rat) ELISA, 96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 41-THIRT-E01 Thiostatin (Rat) ELISA, 96w, "RUO"

      polyscience 41-TRACA-E01 Transferrin (Canine) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-TRAHU-E01 Transferrin ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-TRAMS-E01 Transferrin (Mouse) ELISA "RUO"

      polyscience 41-TRARB-E01 Transferrin (Rabbit) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 41-TRART-E01 Transferrin (Rat) ELISA "RUO"

      polyscience 41-VDBRT-E01 Vitamin D Binding Protein (Rat) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO"

      polyscience 43-CASHU-E01 Anti-CaSR IgG ELISA, 96w, RUO

      polyscience 43-CHRHU-E01.2 Chromogranin A EIA, 96w, "RUO

      polyscience 43-CHRHU-E01.3 Chromogranin ELISA, 96w, "RUO

      polyscience 43-FETHU-E01 Fetuin-A EIA, 96w, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 43-FETHUU-E01 Fetuin-A Ultrasensitive EIA, 96w, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 43-HAHHU-E01 HAHA (Human anti-human antibody) ELISA "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 43-HAMHU-E01 HAMA EIA (Human anti mouse antibodies) 96w, RUO

      美国polyscience公司 43-NSEHU-E01 NSE Elisa, 96w, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 43-OSNHU-E01 Osteocalcin (1-43/49) ELISA 96wells, RUO

      美国polyscience公司 43-PE1HU-E01 Pepsinogen I ELISA, (96 wells), "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 43-PE2HU-E01 Pepsinogen II ELISA, Stds 1.7 to 2.5 (96 wells), "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 47-CETHU-E01 CETP (Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein) ELISA, 96w, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 47-LCAHU-E01 Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase ELISA, 96w "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 47-LPLHU-E01 LPL (Lipoprotein Lipase) ELISA, 96w, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-AGRHU-E01 Ghrelin (Active) ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-BRAHU-E01 Bradykinin EIA, "RUO" 96w

      美国polyscience公司 48-CINRT-E01 CINC-1 (rat) EIA, "RUO" 96w

      美国polyscience公司 48-CMTHU-E01 c-Met (HGFR) ELISA

      美国polyscience公司 48-CORMS-E01 Corticosterone ELISA, "RUO" 96w

      美国polyscience公司 48-CRFMS-E01 CRF-HS, Mouse/Rat EIA, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-DGRHU-E01 Ghrelin (Desacyl) ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-ESTHU-E01 Estradiol 17 Beta EIA, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-GLIHU-E01 Glicentin EIA "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-GLUHU-E01 Glucagon EIA, 96w, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-GP2HU-E01.1 GLP-2 EIA "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-GP2MS-E01 GLP-2 (Mouse) EIA "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-GP2RT-E01 GLP-2 (Rat) EIA "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-MICRT-E01 Microglobulin Beta 2 (Rat) EIA "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-MP3HU-E01 MMP-3 (Matrix Metalloproteinase), "RUO" 96w

      美国polyscience公司 48-NOSHU-E01 Nitric Oxide Synthase-1 (H/R) ELISA, 96w, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-OBEHU-E01 Obestatin ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-OBEMS-E01 Obestatin (Mouse/Rat) ELISA "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-**HU-R50 Phospholipase 2 (**2), 96 wells, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-PTXHU-E01 Pentraxin 3 (PTX3) Elisa, 96 wells, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-PYYHU-E01.1 PYY EIA, "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-PYYRT-E01.1 PYY (Rat) EIA "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-S1BHU-E01 S-100 Beta EIA "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-UR2MS-E01 Urocortin 2 (mouse) EIA "RUO"

      美国polyscience公司 48-UROMS-E01 Mouse/Rat Urocortin 3 EIA, 96w, "RUO"
    欢迎来到上海斯信生物科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市松江区石湖荡镇长塔路945弄37号楼,联系人是宁经理。 主要经营细胞株,抗体,试剂盒,实验试剂,实验耗材,实验仪器,技术服务。 单位注册资金未知。 公司长期供应细胞株,抗体,试剂盒,实验试剂,实验耗材,实验仪器,技术服务等,产品质量完全符合行业要求,被用户评为信得过产品,**全国各省市、自治,欢迎新老客户来选购考察!